All the articles I've posted.
Central Package Management in .NET - Simplify NuGet Dependencies
Published: at 12:00 AMManaging NuGet packages across multiple .NET projects used to be a nightmare of version mismatches and maintenance headaches, but Central Package Management (CPM) offers a powerful solution by letting you control all package versions from a single source of truth. Learn how CPM can simplify your dependency management, prevent version conflicts, and make your .NET development workflow smoother.
HybridCache in ASP.NET Core - New Caching Library
Published: at 12:00 AMHybridCache in .NET 9 combines fast in-memory caching with distributed caching, solving common problems like cache stampede while adding features like tag-based invalidation. This guide shows you how to use HybridCache in your applications, from basic setup to real-world usage patterns with Entity Framework Core and minimal APIs.
Securing Secrets in .NET 8 with Azure Key Vault | TheCodeMan
Published: at 12:00 AMLearn how to securely manage and access secrets in .NET 8 applications using Azure Key Vault. This guide covers best practices for storing sensitive data, setting up Key Vault, and integrating it with .NET for secure and scalable applications.
Clean Architecture, 缺失的一章
Published: at 12:00 AMClean Architecture著名的图示常常被误解为项目结构,导致开发者创建了人为的技术层次,将业务逻辑散布在整个代码库中。了解这个图示真正的含义,以及如何使用组件和明确的边界正确地围绕业务能力组织代码。
Published: at 12:00 AM学习如何在ASP.NET Core Web API中实现幂等性,以提高可靠性并防止分布式系统中的重复操作。
利用 Python 自动翻译 Word 多语言对比 文档, 基于 Dify 的 REST API 解决方案
Published: at 12:00 AM利用 Python 自动翻译 Word 多语言对比 文档, 基于 Dify 的 REST API 解决方案
MongoDB EF Core Provider 有哪些新功能? - .NET 博客
Published: at 12:00 AMMongoDB EF Core Provider 的最新更新带来了对更改跟踪、索引创建、复杂查询和事务的改进。
ASP.NET Core API 的问题详情
Published: at 12:00 AM了解如何在 ASP.NET Core 中利用问题详情创建一致且信息丰富的 API 错误响应,以提升开发者体验并符合 RFC 9457。本指南详细介绍了 .NET 8 和 9 的最新功能,演示如何实现自定义异常处理程序、利用 IProblemDetailsService,并应用最佳实践来增强 API 的错误处理能力。
在 ASP.NET Core 中使用 Options Pattern 配置
Published: at 12:00 AM在 ASP.NET Core 中使用 Options Pattern 配置
Domain Events with .NET
Published: at 12:00 AMIntroduction Domain Events is a pattern and concept made popular by Domain Driven Design . A Domain Event is something that happened on you...